What this course is all about?
Flipped classrooms offer educators the opportunity to teach academic information to students while they are at home through video, reading, and other resources, and then to practice the concepts in the classroom that were introduced at home. In this course, participants will study the science behind flipped classrooms, learn about gaining approval from administrators to use this method, the benefits, and challenges of flipped learning, how to get parents involved in the day-to-day management of the process, and how to help your students transition from traditional learning to flipped learning.
Time Requirements for the 30-Hour Course:
This 30-hour course uses a combination of both time requirements to maximize participation and allow time for completion of ongoing assignments and assessments. The minimum time for participant completion of this 30-hour course includes both enrollment time and the system logged-in activity time. Enrollment time consists of working 30-hours on this course over a minimum of three calendar days (4320 minutes = 72 hours = 3 calendar days) from the moment you start the course Pre-Test. Activity time includes 300 minutes logged into the system. Completion certificates are restricted until BOTH time requirements are completed.
- Approved for 3.0 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) = 30 hours (30 clock hours)
- Approved by the Nevada Department of Education (NVDOE) as 2.0 CEUs for Nevada Educators
Prior Approval
It is suggested that you use the syllabus linked below and this standard Prior Approval Form to seek approval from your individual licensing agency before registering for this course.
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