Course Categories
Our courses are created by teachers for teachers! Our courses cover a wide array of topics relevant to today’s teachers so that you are able to pick a course that will really benefit you and your classroom.
The course writers are experts in their field and have crafted the material to be enjoyable, applicable, and educational. We endeavor for the courses to truly enhance your teaching ability!
Explore below to find the courses that fit your teaching needs or view our sample course to see how it all works.
- General Topics
- Common Core
- Educational Support Personal
- Literacy
- Math
- Parents and Community Learning
- Physical Education
- Science
- Student and Research-Based Learning
- Social Studies
- Technology
- A Teacher’s Guide to Suicide Prevention (20 Hours — This Course Not Approved for CEUs in Nevada)
- This course is designed to teach you the best practices in suicide prevention, intervention, and “postvention.”
- Bringing Learning Outdoors (30 Hours)
- Participants in this course will cover the social-emotional, academic, and community benefits of outdoor learning, and how students will understand the impact of their choices and activities upon the world around them, and how we are interconnected. Some subjects covered include sustainability, program funding, The Adventure Experience Paradigm, and the history of The Great Outdoors.
- Creating a Global Classroom (10 Hours)
- Designed for teachers to help their students become more well-rounded adults and responsible citizens of the world.
- Customer Service in Education (10 Hours)
- Ever-present technology and the need to constantly multitask require school staff to learn to communicate effectively with stake holders and each other across multiple platforms.
- Educational Leadership Overview (30 Hours)
- This course is designed to guide participants in the practical application of current trends and strategies of school leadership and organizational culture.
- Effective Classroom Management (10 Hours)
- Managing your classroom effectively is the prerequisite for a positive classroom community and satisfactory academic progress.
- Ethics in Education (30 Hours)
- This course explores the ethical and legal framework necessary to guide responsible teaching practices.
- Going Green Using Environmental Education (10 Hours)
- Develop an understanding of the importance of exposing students to environmental issues.
- Grant Writing for Teachers (10 Hours)
- This course provides the framework of knowledge needed to write a grant.
- Motivating Students to Learn (30 Hours)
- Identify the factors that affect student motivation.
- Project-Based Learning (10 Hours)
- Learn how to best create, use, and facilitate resources in the classroom in order to provide authentic learning opportunities for students.
- Protecting Your Students Mental Health (30 Hours)
- In this class, participants will learn the importance of mental health and its relationship to academic achievement. Participants will also learn techniques to achieve and maintain optimal mental health for all students.
- Teaching Critical Thinking Skills (30 Hours)
- Participants will gain knowledge and strategies to assist their students in practicing and mastering critical thinking for future success inside and outside the classroom. Topics covered include PBL, multiple intelligences, Bloom’s Taxonomy, employment skills, lesson planning, and more.
- The Fundamentals of Social Emotional Learning [SEL] (10 Hours)
- Designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of SEL and the benefits for you and your students. Imagine a classroom where students show improved classroom behavior, ability to manage stress and depression, and better attitudes about themselves, others, and school.
- The Needs and Nurturing of Advanced Students (30 Hours)
- This course teaches the characteristics of the advanced learner and how to accommodate the needs of this type of student.
- Using Games in the Classroom (30 Hours)
- In this course, participants will learn why games are a solid method to engage students with the required content. Subjects covered include game research, how to choose which games to use in the classroom, and assessment.
- Workplace Violence in Schools (10 Hours)
- This course provides a common framework of knowledge and appreciation for crisis management plans and training programs.
- An Introduction to the Common Core(10 Hours)
- This 10-hour course is designed to help teachers understand the precursors to, creation of and implementation of The Common Core State Standards Initiative.
- Conflict Management Tips for Educational Support Personnel (10 Hours)
- Learn how Educational Support Personnel can effectively manage conflict within the school environment.
- Email Basics (10 Hours)
- Facilitate and enhance productivity via email, by communicating digitally with friends, family, acquaintances, and co-workers.
- The Fundamentals of Social Emotional Learning [SEL] (10 Hours)
- Designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of SEL and the benefits for you and your students. Imagine a classroom where students show improved classroom behavior, ability to manage stress and depression, and better attitudes about themselves, others, and school.
- Creative Writing in the Internet-Connected Classroom (10 Hours)
- Facilitate the creative writing process from start to finish.
- Early Childhood Literacy (30 Hours)
- Review basic tenets of childhood literacy and its history.
- Writing Across the Curriculum (30 Hours)
- In Writing Across the Curriculum, participants will study the history of WAC and its importance and application in today’s K-12 classrooms. Writing to Learn and Writing in the Disciplines are included, as well as how writing will change in the coming years.
- Singapore Math (30 Hours)
- Incorporate Singapore Math into mathematics curriculum.
- The Technology-Connected Mathematics Classroom – (10 Hours)
- Create, use, and facilitate technology resources in the mathematics classroom.
- Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences (10 Hours)
- An important part of any teacher job, learn to effectively and efficiently prepare for parent-teacher conferences.
- The Fundamentals of Social Emotional Learning [SEL] (10 Hours)
- Designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of SEL and the benefits for you and your students. Imagine a classroom where students show improved classroom behavior, ability to manage stress and depression, and better attitudes about themselves, others, and school.
- Parent Involvement in the Classroom (30 Hours)
- Encouraging learning at home, a teaching team mentality, socioeconomic, and demographics that impact parental involvement, overcoming barriers to parental involvement, and over-involved parents will all be covered in this course.
- Physical Education Across the Curriculum (30 Hours)
- Course participants will learn about working with school colleagues to ensure students are engaging in physical activity during school hours, even if they are not attending physical education classes every day. Subjects covered include brain health and physical activity, the mind-body connection, and fighting childhood obesity, among others.
- Essential Elements of Teaching High School Science (30 Hours)
- Learn how to produce students that become scientifically proficient thinkers and problem solvers.
- Human Growth and Development (30 Hours)
- This course focuses on increasing the knowledge of the growth and development of students.
- Science Strategies That Stand Out (30 Hours)
- Develop strategies for teaching science that will support the Next Generation Standards.
- Achievement with Active Engagement Structures (30 Hours)
- Learn various paired, team, and whole class active engagement strategies that can positively affect student achievement and motivation.
- Gender-Specific Teaching Strategies (10 Hours)
- This course teaches various paired, team, and whole class active engagement strategies that can positively affect student achievement and motivation.
- Integrating the Arts as a Teaching Tool (30 Hours)
- Build your knowledge and skills in integrating the arts as a teaching tool.
- Key Practices of Highly Effective Teachers (30 Hours)
- Teachers have the opportunity to create a safe and caring environment where students are inspired to excel academically, behaviorally, and socially.
- The Flipped Classroom: An Introduction (30 Hours)
- Flipped classrooms offer educators the opportunity to teach academic information to students while they are at home through video, reading, and other resources, and then to practice the concepts in the classroom that were introduced at home.
- The Fundamentals of Social Emotional Learning [SEL] (10 Hours)
- Designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of SEL and the benefits for you and your students. Imagine a classroom where students show improved classroom behavior, ability to manage stress and depression, and better attitudes about themselves, others, and school.
- Culturally Sensitive Teaching and Learning (30 Hours)
- The global nature of American classrooms requires all teachers and students to be culturally aware and sensitive to the academic and social needs of demographically heterogeneous students.
- Making Social Studies Matter (30 Hours)
- Learn to thread social studies throughout the school day.
- Bring Your Own Technology (10 Hours)
- This course is designed to assist the educator with the implementation of “Bring Your Own Technology” programs in schools and classrooms.
- Google for Education: An Introduction to the System (10 Hours)
- Google’s complete suite of programs for educators with user-friendly applications and streamlined interdependence that allows teachers to create a paper-free, stress-free classroom.
- iPads in the Classroom (10 Hours)
- Today’s students use iPads and other electronic handheld devices to communicate with others and to learn about the world, and those who have access to these devices use them every day.
- Multimedia Resources for the Classroom (10 Hours)
- Create, use, and facilitate technology resources in any classroom.
- Teaching Students Remotely (30 Hours)
- This course is designed to enable you to create a successful and engaging remote classroom environment.
- Using Google Docs and Google Drive in the Classroom (10 Hours)
- Google Docs and Google Drive allow you and your students to have a paper-free classroom, included cloud storage, and decreased interruptions to instructional time.
- Using Google Maps and Google Earth in the Classroom (10 Hours)
- What is this course about? Google Maps and Google Earth provide more than geography lessons for your students.